The laboratory provides various kind of physical and mechanical tests on construction and engineering materials with a number of advanced compression machine, servo control universal testing machine and all necessary equipment. Together with the experienced engineers and well trained technicians, the laboratory can provide the following tests to relevant Hong Kong and International standards and specifications:

Major tests are:
- Fresh Concrete
Concrete trial mixes; Workability (slump, compacting factor, Vebe time and flow); Air content*, Accelerated curing of test specimens*; Heat of hydration*; Raw material properties*; On-site sampling and making of test specimen; Density of compacted fresh concrete.
- Hardened Concrete
Curing of specimens; Compression test of cube and core; Tensile strength; Flexural strength; Modulus of elasticity*; Measure load deflection and strain*; Water absorption*; Dry shrinkage and thermal properties*; Creep and permeability*; Resistivity and Resistance to chemical attack*.
- Cement*
Standard consistency; Setting times; Fineness; Soundness; False set; Heat of hydration; Cement mortar cube strength; Concrete cube strength.
- Aggregates*
Sieve analyses; Clay, silt and dust contents; Water absorption; Ten percent fines values; Crushing values; Specific gravities; Impact Values; Flakiness and elongation indices; Angularity numbers; Shell content; Bulking density.
- Steel
Tensile, bend, re-bend test on metallic materials; Steel reinforcement test; Cold reduced wire test; Steel fabric test; Structure steel test; Coupler test; Cyclic tension and compression test to AC133.
- Bitumen*
Percent air voids; Maximum specific gravity and density; Bulk specific gravity and density; Grading of aggregate; Marshall test; Penetration, Softening point and hardness test.
- Pulverized Fuel Ash*
Flow value; Fineness; Water requirement; Moisture content
- Other Construction Materials*
Bricks and blocks testing; Tiles testing; Grout flow; PVC pipe impact test; Concrete pipe and manhole cover test; Geo-texture test; Skid resistant test; Timber test ; And more...
Remarks: * Non-HOKLAS accredited test
The laboratory can also provide consulting and special testing services on request…