Certification Services

MINSEN Certification (Asia) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the MINSEN group, is accredited by HKAS under the Hong Kong Certification Body Accreditation Scheme (HKCAS) (Accreditation No. HKCAS 012) to provide certification of quality management system and product certification.  Click here for the Certification Process Flow.

You can click here for a more comprehensive Introduction to MINSEN Certification (Asia) Limited and here for the General Terms and Conditions of Certification.  Certified Management System organsations are permitted to use of MINSEN certification mark acording to the requirements outline in Use of Mark (Management System Certification). Product Certification organsations are permitted to use of MINSEN certification mark acording to the requirements outline in Use of Mark (Product Certification).

Certification of Management System

  • ISO 9001 Quality Management System
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
  • ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Product Certification

  • Fabric / Mesh reinforcements
  • Repair mortars
  • Cementitious adhesives for tiles
  • UPVC pipes and fittings
  • Portland Cement


​Training Courses

To encourage more competent personnel to enter the testing and certification industry, MINSEN testing will from time to time hold HKICA endorsed training courses.

Certification Process Flow


MINSEN will communicate with you to determine your company’s individual certification needs. This will include such things as facility location, your company’s products or services, your company’s processes, the desired scope of certification, standard or standards selected for certification, number of personnel, number of shifts and management representative.


MINSEN will request you to complete a form ‘Request for Quotation’ where you provide us your company’s information for our quotation preparation. MINSEN will provide you with fixed price quotation for the optional pre-assessment, the stage 1 audit and the certification audit. An estimate will also be provided for the surveillance audit and the renewal audit based on MINSEN daily charges.

The quotation is in form of a Certification Agreement which is an official document for MINSEN providing certification service.

Stage 1 Audit

Your management system manual and system level procedures are reviewed. The location and site-specific conditions are evaluated while collecting necessary information as regards the certified management system, processes and location(s), and related regulatory aspects and compliance. Normally at least part of the stage 1 audit will be carried out at your premises. The stage 1 audit is to review the readiness of your management system for the certification audit. You will be issued a written report noting any areas of concern that have not been properly addressed.

Certification Audit

The certification audit determines if your company has successfully documented and effectively implemented all of the requirements of the applicable management standard. This is accomplished via a review of your documented management system the effectiveness of its implementation. The audit also verifies conformance to the standard. The audit may involve interviews, examination of documents and observations to thoroughly determine the implementation of the standard.

Any nonconformities will be documented and identified as major or minor nonconformities. A major nonconformity is lack of documentation or implementation of a complete element or a series of minor nonconformities that cast doubt that the effective program has been implemented for an element. A minor nonconformity might be a procedure that is not comprehensive enough, a person who did not follow the procedure, or a lack of a required record. A major nonconformity requires a separate follow up audit of the applicable element before you can be certified. A minor nonconformity requires that a corrective action plan for the nonconformity be submitted to MINSEN before you can be certified. The corrective action for a minor nonconformity does not have to be implemented prior to certification. A written audit report, containing any nonconformities, is issued after the audit.

Issuance of Certificate

Based upon the lead auditor’s recommendation for certification and MINSEN decision for certification, Certificate will be issued. The Certificate is valid for three years, and is dependent upon your company’s maintenance of your management system and upon your adherence to MINSEN General Terms and Conditions of Certifications.

Surveillance Audit

Surveillance audits shall be conducted at least once a calendar year, except in recertification years. The date of the first surveillance audit following initial certification shall not be more than 12 months from the certification decision date.  A surveillance audit is a mini-assessment that reviews a portion of the standard to determine if your company has maintained its effective implementation of the standard. In addition, surveillance audits will review your use of MINSEN certification mark, status and closure of the previous nonconformities and your customer’s complaints.

Renewal Audit

Renewal audit is conducted every three years to verify the overall continuing effectiveness of your management system.  It will cover the interaction between all elements of the system, the overall effectiveness of the system, and commitment to maintain the effectiveness of the system. In practice, this means that the entire standard will be reviewed in a single audit at least once every three years, and that this shall be in addition to regularly scheduled surveillance audits. In general, a renewal audit requires less time than the original certification audit.

As there is no extension of the Certificate, renewal audit shall be conducted and completed before the expiration of certification. If there is major nonconformity identified, a separate follow up audit of the applicable element is required before you can be re-certified. If there is minor nonconformity identified, a corrective action plan for the nonconformity be submitted to and accepted by MINSEN before you can be re-certified. The Certificate will be renewed after successful completion of the renewal audit. Surveillance then continues at 12 months intervals after the renewal audit.

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